Local Electric Company Shares Top Energy-Saving Tips To Lower Your Electric Bill

Electricity is an everyday necessity in our homes and offices, but with progressively rising costs of energy, our monthly electric bills are slowly getting higher and higher. The good news is there are several ways to help save energy in and around your home and office.
In this article, a local South Florida electric company shares their top energy-saving tips to help reduce your electric bill.

Book A Home Energy Audit
The only way to know your home’s energy usage is to do a comprehensive assessment. A licensed electrician will use tools and resources to provide insights into your home’s energy usage. Air leaks, inefficient appliances, and faulty insulation will all be noted and recommendations made for improvements. Investing in a professional home energy audit is the first step to understanding your home’s unique energy consumption pattern, and what can be done to enhance its sustainability.
Upgrade Your Home Lighting & Power System
Your light usage alone accounts for approximately 15% of your home’s energy usage. Here’s how you can save with smarter lighting and power solutions.
Switch To LED Lighting
By switching to LED lighting, you can save over $200 a year on average. You can also opt for dimmer switches, which allow you to control the brightness of your lighting. This not only saves your electricity but also helps to soften the mood in your home.
Invest In Power Strips
When it comes to your power system, a great way to save electricity is to invest in power strips. Many of your electronic appliances and gadgets never completely turn off. They sit in standby mode, constantly consuming a small amount of energy through the night. This can account for between 5%-10% of your home energy usage. By plugging these appliances in a smart energy strip, power will automatically be cut when they aren’t in use. Chat with your local electric company about getting smart power strips installed.

Heating & Cooling Energy-Saving Tips
Home heating and cooling devices are some of the biggest contributors to your monthly energy bill. Consider these energy-saving tips.
Adjust Your Thermostat
One way to start saving money is to adjust your thermostat. By slightly heightening your thermostat when you’re sleeping, you’ll be able to make a considerable saving. Is your home empty during the day? Why not adjust the thermostat by 5 to 10 degrees for those hours when you’re out? Going on holiday? Think about adjusting your thermostat while you’re not living in your home.
Another idea is to lower the default temperature of your water heater. Lowering this by a few degrees can lower your annual energy bill by up to 20%.
Adjust Your Fridge Temperature
Another professional energy-saving tip is to slightly adjust the temperature of your fridge and freezer. Try changing your fridge to 37 degrees, and your freezer to 0 degrees. Your food will still stay fresh without your fridge and freezer needing to work as hard.
Keep Up With HVAC Maintenance
Another way to save is to keep up with routine maintenance on your HVAC system. Over time, our HVAC units may not run as efficiently and may require a service. Your ducts may also need cleaning, which will alleviate pressure on your HVAC as it won’t need to work as hard. Be sure to use a reputable local AC company.

Water Wise Energy Saving Tips
Saving water often has a direct effect on saving electricity.
Take Shorter Showers
Taking shorter showers is a great way to save on your monthly electric bill. A standard shower head will use over two gallons of water every minute. Try to cut your shower time down by a minute or two, and you’ll save a few gallons of hot water. This means less energy is required as less hot water is consumed.
Wash Your Clothes With Warm Or Cold Water
Have you considered using warm or cold water when you wash your clothes? Setting your washer on hot means it will consume more energy to heat the water. Warm water can still be effective in cleaning our clothes effectively.
Additional Energy-Saving Tips
Here are a few more tips from the professionals on how to save on your electrical bill.
Invest In Energy Efficient Appliances
Many modern appliances are becoming more energy efficient than their predecessors. Choosing a dishwasher or fridge with the EPA’s Energy Star label will help you save a considerable amount of electricity. This saving will help you to pay off the cost of your new appliance over a few years, and also help you save on electricity every month. Why not budget for one energy efficient appliance each year to make these upgrades manageable? Remember that it’s always a good idea to get your appliances checked routinely by an electric company, as malfunctioning appliances can compromise your safety.
Only Run Full Loads
It’s tempting to start a cleaning cycle on our dishwasher or washing machine without them being full. If you want to save, it’s best to only run your washer and dishwasher when they’re full to maximize their efficiency.
South Florida’s Energy-Saving Electric Company
At Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric, we are committed to helping our clients reduce their monthly energy bills. Our wide range of electrical services are all offered with energy efficiency in mind. Our trusted electricians can perform a full home energy audit and will offer you a range of helpful energy-saving adjustments applicable to your home and lifestyle.
Call us at 1-800-475-1504 and learn how we can help you start saving on your electrical bill today.
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