Signs It’s Time To Upgrade To A Tankless Water Heater

There are few things more frustrating than stepping in to have a shower and there’s no hot water. If you’ve noticed that the hot water runs out quickly during peak usage, it may indicate that your current water heater is insufficient or not functioning effectively. This could be a perfect time to consider upgrading to a tankless water heater.

Tankless Water Heater? What’s That?
A tankless water heater is an advanced solution that heats water without the need for a storage tank. Often referred to as on-demand water heaters, they heat water only when it’s needed. With innovative technology and numerous advantages, a tankless water heater can significantly enhance your daily comfort and convenience.
Signs That Your Old Water Heater Is On Its Way Out
A few things might start happening to let you know that it may be time to upgrade to a tankless water heater:
Hot Water Frequently Starts Running Out
The most obvious sign is that you go to have a shower, run a bath, or perhaps even do some dishes and there just isn’t any hot water. It could be that the water heater tank is now empty or that the heater element has failed.
High Energy Bills
Water heaters consume a lot of power to constantly heat and reheat the water in your home. This contributes to a large portion of your monthly energy bills. Tankless water heaters are more energy efficient because of their on-demand function, so the power used is limited to when hot water is needed.
Frequent Repairs
If your water heater requires a lot of maintenance and repairs then it may be time to go tankless.
More Space Is Needed
Due to their large and bulky construction water heaters tend to take up a lot of space in your garage or utility room. After installing a tankless water heater you’ll find out that they require very little space due to their compact design.
Using A Lot Of Water
Often with tank systems, you have to leave the faucet on for some time for the water to get hot. With a tankless system, the water is hot instantly which means that you save on your monthly water bill.
Poor Water Quality
Old tank based heaters tend to get a build-up of silt and mineral deposits from the constant heating and reheating cycles. This ends up affecting the water quality and you can often get water that smells and tastes bad, is rusty looking, cloudy white, or has sediment in it.
Poor Water Quality
Old tank based heaters tend to get a build-up of silt and mineral deposits from the constant heating and reheating cycles. This ends up affecting the water quality and you can often get water that smells and tastes bad, is rusty looking, cloudy white, or has sediment in it.
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Tanked water heaters use a lot more energy to heat the water than tankless systems do. Since they consume less power, tankless systems help you reduce your home’s carbon footprint.
Boost Property Value
If your home has an old style water heater this could make your home less appealing to potential buyers. A quick way to increase your property value would be to install a tankless water heater system as potential buyers often appreciate the value of energy-efficient appliances and modern technology.
Choosing The Right Tankless Water Heater
There are a few factors you should consider when choosing a tankless water heater for your home. First, assess what is most important to your needs and desires and then start looking for the following specifications:
Flow Rate: The flow rate is an indication of how much hot water the heater can provide at a specific temperature. Take into account how many people will be using hot water at a single time. This will help you calculate the flow rate needed for your household.
Energy Source: Depending on the utility that you want to use, tankless systems have options here as well. There are gas and electric models available so you can find the balance of cost and convenience that suits you.
Installation: Hiring a reputable local plumbing and electrical company is your best option to supply and install a tankless water heater system.
Tankless Water Heater Installations In Coral Springs
Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric have many years of experience in the installation of all home and business plumbing appliances and systems. For over 40 years we’ve been making our customers happy and providing the best customer services to the homes and businesses of South Florida.
To install your new tankless water heating system or to find out more information on any of our Plumbing, Air Conditioning, Electrical, or Drain Clearing Services give us a call today at 1-800-475-1504.
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