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Happy New Year!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Wow, I just can’t believe it is 2019 already! I remember graduating high school in 1985 thinking the year 2000 seems so far away. Now here we are almost 20 years past Y2K, the end of the world and the song 1999 by Prince is 37 years old. Welcome to a new year! 

I am looking forward to our weekly journeys again this year as we grow and learn together. My goal for you my faithful reader is to always keep you up to date on the newest technologies, cutting edge techniques and all around best practices when it comes to all things about your home. As always I welcome any suggestions you would have for topics or questions you need answered and can be reached via email at [email protected] .

A couple of things to remember as you are making your resolutions this year:

  • Please change your AC filters on a regular basis and schedule an appointment to get the maintenance done on your system.
  • Go change the batteries in your smoke and or carbon monoxide detectors, they can save your life. If you have any water leak detection devices it is likely time to change those batteries as well.
  • You probably need to get your dryer vent cleaned; clogged dryer vents burn down thousands of homes every year.
  • When it comes to things like your air conditioner, water heater or any other devices in your home that make your life better if they are old enough to either drive or drink it is time to start thinking about replacements.

I’m going to keep it short and sweet to start off our year together, take care of the things that take care of you and you’ll save time, money and hopefully avoid emergency situations. Until next week my friends, throw out the eggnog it’s spoiled, don’t eat the fruitcake that Aunt Matilda sent, you’ll get sick, and most of all hug the ones you love.

House Whisperer out!!


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