Why You Should Always Hire A Licensed And Insured Electrician Near You

There are some contractors and vendor partners you don’t usually think about all the time. But when something goes wrong, especially with your home’s electricity, it’s a good idea to have a licensed and insured electrician nearby.
Now you’re thinking, do I have an electrician near me?
If you’re in South Florida, you’re in luck. Make sure you have Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric saved in your phone and at home. Whenever you run into any of these scenarios, you’ll be glad to have a fully licensed and insured professional electrician to call.
Electrical Failures Can Happen to Anyone
It’s always a solid idea to have a licensed electrician on hand because electrical failures can happen to anyone. An outlet might spark, for example. Or maybe something trips in your circuit panel that won’t reset. New construction homes and historic properties alike can experience electrical anomalies that call for a professional technician’s expertise.
Outdated Wiring Presents Risks
If you do live in an older home, you might not realize there is outdated wiring behind your walls. And it’s not uncommon for existing systems to age over time. As your home’s electrical system ages, some of its components may deteriorate, resulting in outages, shorts, or worse. Having a licensed electrician inspect your current system is a great first step. But having an insured and bonded electrician near you provides an added layer of maintenance and support.
Shock Hazards Can Be Dangerous
It’s imperative that you have an electrician near you, with emergency and non-emergency numbers nearby, for quick calls. Don’t waste a minute in calling, especially if you experience one or more of these scenarios:
If your outlets are shocking you when plugging something in, there’s an electrical problem. And if you’re overloading your existing outlets, you’re increasing your shock risk, as well. Both scenarios warrant a call to the local professional.
Burning Smells
Be mindful of certain odors in your home, especially burning smells around the electrical panel, outlets, or other wiring. It could be a sign of an electrical issue.
Visible Sparks
Spotting any visible sparks of any kind, including around outlets or along wiring components, call a licensed electrician right away.
Excessive Heat
When too much electricity is overloading a power strip, a wire, an outlet, or the electrical panel, you’ll notice excessive heat near these areas. Pay attention, too, if plugging in a new appliance or light creates excessive heat. Left unchecked, these could result in fire hazards.
Suspicious Wiring
Most of your home’s electrical system will be concealed behind your walls. However, if you stumble across any visible or suspicious wiring in an attic space or elsewhere, don’t touch it. Instead, call your trusted electrician to check it out for you.
Regularly Tripping Circuits
Your circuits are designed to trip to avoid overloading with electricity. So, the occasional tripping breaker isn’t necessarily an issue. However, if you’re constantly experiencing tripping circuits, it might point to a more serious electrical problem.
Flickering Lights
One flickering light could be the bulb, but more than one instance of flickering, or flickering across more than one light, could indicate a wiring failure. Don’t chance it beyond changing your light bulb. Call in an electrician instead.
Faulty Switches
Nothing’s more frustrating than flipping a light switch, and nothing happening. But if changing the light bulb doesn’t remedy the problem, it might point to a more substantial electrical problem. Faulty switches are always a job for a licensed and insured electrician.
Rodents and Pests Wreak Havoc
In South Florida, you know how troublesome rodents can be sometimes. Squirrels and other critters love to nest in attic spaces. And they’re often chewing on wires. Since you don’t always see them before they wreak havoc in your home, it’s best to know who to call, especially when the wiring is damaged.
Because You Can’t Predict When You’re Going to Need An Electrician
Know who to call in your area when you need a qualified electrician because you never really know when you might need one. If you’re in South Florida, wondering if you have a local electrician near you, you do. Trust the professionals at Art Plumbing, Air Conditioning & Electric for all your electrical concerns and questions.
Call 1-800-475-1504 whenever you experience any of these scenarios, and know our licensed and insured tea, of technicians are there to help.